Package tools

Class IntegralTools


public class IntegralTools
extends Object
The IntegralTools class contains miscellaneous methods used in tools.integration.
  • Method Details

    • stripConstantsRespectTo

      public static Pair<GeneralFunction,​GeneralFunction> stripConstantsRespectTo​(GeneralFunction function, String varID)
      If function is not a Product, returns <1.0, function>. Otherwise, strips function of any functions that are constant relative to varID and returns a Pair of the constant function and the remaining stripped function. Ex: 2xy, 'x' becomes <2y, x>
      function - The GeneralFunction whose relative constants are being stripped
      varID - the variable to strip with respect to (i.e. varID='x' would mean 2y is a constant)
      A Pair of the constant function and the remaining stripped function