Class Extrema


public class Extrema
extends Object
The Extrema uses the root finding capabilities of Solver in order to find various extrema of GeneralFunctions by setting their derivatives equals to 0 and solving.
  • Method Details

    • findLocalMinimum

      public static double findLocalMinimum​(GeneralFunction function, double lowerBound, double upperBound)
      Returns the local minimum of a GeneralFunction function on a specified range
      function - The GeneralFunction whose minimum is being found
      lowerBound - The lower bound of the range
      upperBound - The upper bound of the range
      the local minimum of function on the specified range
    • findLocalMaximum

      public static double findLocalMaximum​(GeneralFunction function, double lowerBound, double upperBound)
      Returns the local maximum of a GeneralFunction function on a specified range
      function - The GeneralFunction whose maximum is being found
      lowerBound - The lower bound of the range
      upperBound - The upper bound of the range
      the local maximum of function on the specified range
    • findMinimumOnRange

      public static double findMinimumOnRange​(GeneralFunction function, double lowerBound, double upperBound)
      Returns the minimum of a GeneralFunction function on a specified range (endpoints included)
      function - The GeneralFunction whose minimum is being found
      lowerBound - The lower bound of the range
      upperBound - The upper bound of the range
      the minimum of function on the specified range
    • findMaximumOnRange

      public static double findMaximumOnRange​(GeneralFunction function, double lowerBound, double upperBound)
      Returns the maximum of a GeneralFunction function on a specified range (endpoints included)
      function - The GeneralFunction whose maximum is being found
      lowerBound - The lower bound of the range
      upperBound - The upper bound of the range
      the maximum of function on the specified range
    • findLocalMinima

      public static List<Double> findLocalMinima​(GeneralFunction function, double lowerBound, double upperBound)
      Returns the local minima of a GeneralFunction function on a specified range
      function - The GeneralFunction whose minima are being found
      lowerBound - The lower bound of the range
      upperBound - The upper bound of the range
      a List of any minima of function on the specified range
    • findLocalMaxima

      public static List<Double> findLocalMaxima​(GeneralFunction function, double lowerBound, double upperBound)
      Returns the local maxima of a GeneralFunction function on a specified range
      function - The GeneralFunction whose maxima are being found
      lowerBound - The lower bound of the range
      upperBound - The upper bound of the range
      a List of any maxima of function on the specified range
    • findInflectionPoints

      public static List<Double> findInflectionPoints​(GeneralFunction function, double lowerBound, double upperBound)
      Returns the inflection points of a GeneralFunction function on a specified range
      function - The GeneralFunction whose inflection points are being found
      lowerBound - The lower bound of the range
      upperBound - The upper bound of the range
      a List of any inflection points of function on the specified range