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latexJoiningCollector - Variable in class OutputCommutative
A Collector for generating output LaTeX strings
LatexReplacer - Class in parsing
LatexReplacer contains tools regarding the use of LaTeX escapes.
LCM - Class in functions.commutative.integer
LCM(GeneralFunction...) - Constructor for class LCM
Constructs a new LCM
Ln - Class in functions.unitary.specialcases
Ln(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Ln
Constructs a new Ln
log10(GeneralFunction) - Static method in class DefaultFunctions
Returns a Logb base DefaultFunctions.TEN of input
Logb - Class in functions.binary
Logb(GeneralFunction, GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Logb
Constructs a new Logb
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