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cacheDerivatives - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether or not the derivatives of functions should be cached when created.
CASDemo - Class in ui
CASDemo provides a demo and tutorial of the CAS functionality for new users.
CASDemo() - Constructor for class CASDemo
Ceil - Class in functions.unitary.piecewise
Ceil(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Ceil
Constructs a new Ceil
choose(GeneralFunction, GeneralFunction) - Static method in class DefaultFunctions
Returns the the function corresponding to nCr
classForm() - Method in class Factorial
Returns this representation of factorial in the form of a composition of other raw classes
classForm() - Method in class RFactorial
classForm() - Method in class SFactorial
clone() - Method in class IntegerQuotient
clone() - Method in class Modulo
clone() - Method in class Logb
clone() - Method in class Pow
clone() - Method in class Rand
clone() - Method in class GCD
clone() - Method in class LCM
clone() - Method in class Product
clone() - Method in class Sum
clone() - Method in class Constant
clone() - Method in class Variable
clone() - Method in class GeneralFunction
Returns a clone of this GeneralFunction
clone() - Method in class Differential
clone() - Method in class Integral
clone() - Method in class PartialDerivative
clone() - Method in class UnitaryFunction
combineLikeTerms() - Method in class Sum
Returns a Sum where like terms are added together.
CommandNotFoundException - Exception in tools.exceptions
CommandNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception CommandNotFoundException
To be thrown when an invalid command is passed to KeywordInterface
CommandNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception CommandNotFoundException
To be thrown when an invalid command is passed to KeywordInterface
CommandUI - Class in ui
CommandUI is the main executable of CASprzak.
CommandUI() - Constructor for class CommandUI
CommutativeFunction - Class in functions.commutative
The abstract CommutativeFunction class represents function that are commutative.
CommutativeFunction(GeneralFunction...) - Constructor for class CommutativeFunction
Constructs a new CommutativeFunction
compareSelf(GeneralFunction) - Method in class BinaryFunction
compareSelf(GeneralFunction) - Method in class CommutativeFunction
compareSelf(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Product
compareSelf(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Constant
compareSelf(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Variable
compareSelf(GeneralFunction) - Method in class GeneralFunction
Used internally for comparing two functions of the same exact type
compareSelf(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Differential
compareSelf(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Integral
compareSelf(GeneralFunction) - Method in class PartialDerivative
compareSelf(GeneralFunction) - Method in class UnitaryFunction
compareTo(GeneralFunction) - Method in class GeneralFunction
GeneralFunctions of different types are sorted according to GeneralFunction.sortOrder and MiscTools.findClassValue(GeneralFunction), and functions of the same exact type are sorted using GeneralFunction.compareSelf(GeneralFunction)
config - package config
constant - Variable in class Constant
The numerical value of the constant
Constant - Class in functions.endpoint
Constant(double) - Constructor for class Constant
Constructs a new Constant from the specified numerical value
Constant(String) - Constructor for class Constant
Constructs a new special Constant from its String
constantKey - Variable in class Constant
The string relating to this special constant (null if normal constant)
construct(GeneralFunction) - Method in interface UnitaryConstructor
construct(GeneralFunction, GeneralFunction) - Method in interface BinaryConstructor
consumeIf(GeneralFunction, Consumer<? super GeneralFunction>, Predicate<? super GeneralFunction>) - Static method in class SearchTools
Applies the specified consumer recursively down the function tree for every node satisfying the test
Cos - Class in functions.unitary.trig.normal
Cos(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Cos
Constructs a new Cos
Cosh - Class in functions.unitary.trig.normal
Cosh(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Cosh
Constructs a new Cosh
Cot - Class in functions.unitary.trig.normal
Cot(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Cot
Constructs a new Cot
Coth - Class in functions.unitary.trig.normal
Coth(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Coth
Constructs a new Coth
createRange(double, double, int) - Static method in class SolverTools
Returns a list of Doubles that represents a range split into a certain amount of sections by storing the endpoints of the sections
Csc - Class in functions.unitary.trig.normal
Csc(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Csc
Constructs a new Csc
Csch - Class in functions.unitary.trig.normal
Csch(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Csch
Constructs a new Csch
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