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Pair<T,​U> - Class in tools.helperclasses
Pair(Map.Entry<T, U>) - Constructor for class Pair
Creates a pair using a map entry
Pair(AbstractPair<T, U>) - Constructor for class Pair
Creates a pair using another pair
Pair(T, U) - Constructor for class Pair
Creates a pair by specifying its values
parseBoolean(String) - Static method in class ParsingTools
Parses a string to a boolean using the following rules, ignoring case: TRUE: true, t, 1, yes, y FALSE: false, f, 0, no, n
parseConfig() - Static method in class Settings
Parses the configuration file and stores the read values in Settings
parseInfix(String) - Static method in class FunctionParser
parsePostfix(List<String>) - Static method in class FunctionParser
Parses an array of postfix tokens into a GeneralFunction
parseSimplified(String) - Static method in class FunctionParser
Parses infix using FunctionParser.parseInfix(String), then minimally simplifies the output
parseSingleSetting(String, String) - Static method in class Settings
Parses string input to a single setting to be stored in Settings
parseStored(String) - Static method in class KeywordInterface
Parses input using KeywordInterface.useKeywords(String) and KeywordInterface.storedFunctions
parsing - package parsing
ParsingTools - Class in tools
The ParsingTools class contains methods related to parsing user input, and is used heavily by parsing.
PartialDerivative - Class in functions.unitary.transforms
A wrapper class used to store functions in the integration pipeline, allowing users to utilize the methods provided by the Differentiable interface.
PartialDerivative(GeneralFunction, String) - Constructor for class PartialDerivative
Constructs a new PartialDerivative
permute(GeneralFunction, GeneralFunction) - Static method in class DefaultFunctions
Returns the the function corresponding to nPr
PI - Static variable in class DefaultFunctions
A Constant with the value of π
PiecewiseFunction - Class in functions.unitary.piecewise
The abstract PiecewiseFunction class represents any piece-wise function.
PiecewiseFunction(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class PiecewiseFunction
Constructs a new PiecewiseFunction
PolynomialTools - Class in tools
The PolynomialTools class contains miscellaneous methods for GeneralFunctions which are polynomials.
PolynomialTools() - Constructor for class PolynomialTools
Pow - Class in functions.binary
Pow(GeneralFunction, GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Pow
Constructs a new Pow
prev - Static variable in class KeywordInterface
printStackTraces - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether full stack traces of errors should be printed for debugging.
printWithSleep(String) - Static method in class MiscTools
Prints a message, sleeping for Settings.defaultSleep between newlines, but not at the end
printWithSleep(String, boolean) - Static method in class MiscTools
Prints a message, sleeping for Settings.defaultSleep between newlines, then sleeps that same amount at the end if sleepAtEnd is true.
printWithSleep(String, double) - Static method in class MiscTools
Prints a message, sleeping for time seconds between newlines, but not at the end
processEscapes(String) - Static method in class ParsingTools
Returns the input string with LaTeX escapes removed (if they exist) if Settings.removeEscapes is enabled
Product - Class in functions.commutative
Product(GeneralFunction...) - Constructor for class Product
Constructs a new Product
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