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HALF - Static variable in class DefaultFunctions
A Constant with the value of 0.5
HALF_PI - Static variable in class DefaultFunctions
A Constant with the value of π/2
HALLEY - SolverType
Halley's method of root finding
hashCode() - Method in class BinaryFunction
hashCode() - Method in class CommutativeFunction
hashCode() - Method in class Constant
hashCode() - Method in class Variable
hashCode() - Method in class GeneralFunction
Returns a hash code value for this object
hashCode() - Method in class UnitaryFunction
hashCode() - Method in class OutputBinary
hashCode() - Method in class OutputCommutative
hashCode() - Method in interface OutputFunction
Returns a hash code value for this object
hashCode() - Method in class OutputParenthesizer
hashCode() - Method in class OutputUnitary
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