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factorial(int) - Static method in class MiscTools
Returns n factorial (n!)
Factorial - Class in functions.unitary.integer.combo
Factorial is the general class extended in all implementations of factorial.
Factorial(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Factorial
Constructs a new Factorial
FactorialType - Enum in config
findClassValue(GeneralFunction) - Static method in class MiscTools
Returns the location of a GeneralFunction in its class-based sort order (see GeneralFunction.sortOrder)
findInflectionPoints(GeneralFunction, double, double) - Static method in class Extrema
Returns the inflection points of a GeneralFunction function on a specified range
findLocalMaxima(GeneralFunction, double, double) - Static method in class Extrema
Returns the local maxima of a GeneralFunction function on a specified range
findLocalMaximum(GeneralFunction, double, double) - Static method in class Extrema
Returns the local maximum of a GeneralFunction function on a specified range
findLocalMinima(GeneralFunction, double, double) - Static method in class Extrema
Returns the local minima of a GeneralFunction function on a specified range
findLocalMinimum(GeneralFunction, double, double) - Static method in class Extrema
Returns the local minimum of a GeneralFunction function on a specified range
findMaximumOnRange(GeneralFunction, double, double) - Static method in class Extrema
Returns the maximum of a GeneralFunction function on a specified range (endpoints included)
findMinimumOnRange(GeneralFunction, double, double) - Static method in class Extrema
Returns the minimum of a GeneralFunction function on a specified range (endpoints included)
first - Variable in class OutputBinary
The first operand of the function
fixNullIntegrals() - Method in class Product
Turns constructs like a null-respect integral times \dx into an integral with respect to 'x'
Floor - Class in functions.unitary.piecewise
Floor(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Floor
Constructs a new Floor
frac(GeneralFunction, GeneralFunction) - Static method in class DefaultFunctions
Returns the the function corresponding to first/second
function1 - Variable in class BinaryFunction
One GeneralFunction in the binary operation
function2 - Variable in class BinaryFunction
The other GeneralFunction in the binary operation
functionName - Variable in class OutputBinary
The name of the function
functionName - Variable in class OutputCommutative
The name of the function
functionName - Variable in class OutputUnitary
The name of the function
FunctionParser - Class in parsing
FunctionParser provides the central methods to execute the conversion of a function from a user-inputted string to an instance of GeneralFunction.
functions - package functions
functions - Variable in class CommutativeFunction
The array of GeneralFunctions operated on by the CommutativeFunction
functions.binary - package functions.binary
functions.binary.integer - package functions.binary.integer
functions.commutative - package functions.commutative
functions.commutative.integer - package functions.commutative.integer
functions.endpoint - package functions.endpoint
functions.unitary - package functions.unitary
functions.unitary.integer - package functions.unitary.integer
functions.unitary.integer.combo - package functions.unitary.integer.combo
functions.unitary.piecewise - package functions.unitary.piecewise
functions.unitary.specialcases - package functions.unitary.specialcases
functions.unitary.transforms - package functions.unitary.transforms
functions.unitary.trig - package functions.unitary.trig
functions.unitary.trig.inverse - package functions.unitary.trig.inverse
functions.unitary.trig.normal - package functions.unitary.trig.normal
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