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gcd(int, int) - Static method in class MiscTools
Computes the GCD of the inputs.
GCD - Class in functions.commutative.integer
GCD(GeneralFunction...) - Constructor for class GCD
Constructs a new GCD
GeneralFunction - Class in functions
A GeneralFunction is the generalized abstract function used throughout the CAS.
GeneralFunction() - Constructor for class GeneralFunction
GeneralTrigFunction - Class in functions.unitary.trig
The abstract GeneralTrigFunction class represents any trigonometric function (circular, hyperbolic, or inverse).
GeneralTrigFunction(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class GeneralTrigFunction
Constructs a new GeneralTrigFunction
getAllVariables(GeneralFunction) - Static method in class VariableTools
Returns a set containing the Strings of all variables used in this function
getCharacter(String) - Static method in class ParsingTools
Converts the string to a char, supporting legitimate single-character strings like "x" and LaTeX-escaped characters like "\epsilon"
getClassForm() - Method in class Exp
getClassForm() - Method in class Ln
getClassForm() - Method in class SpecialCaseBinaryFunction
Returns the BinaryFunction that this function is a special case of.
getConstant(String) - Static method in class ParsingTools
Evaluates infix corresponding to a constant, such as pi/3
getDegree(GeneralFunction) - Static method in class PolynomialTools
Returns the degree of a monomial.
getDerivative(String) - Method in class IntegerBinaryFunction
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Logb
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Pow
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Rand
getDerivative(String) - Method in class IntegerCommutativeFunction
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Product
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Sum
getDerivative(String) - Method in interface Differentiable
Returns the derivative of a GeneralFunction with respect to a variable.
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Constant
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Variable
getDerivative(String) - Method in class RFactorial
getDerivative(String) - Method in class SFactorial
getDerivative(String) - Method in class IntegerUnitaryFunction
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Abs
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Ceil
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Dirac
getDerivative(String) - Method in class DomainRestrictor
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Floor
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Round
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Sign
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Exp
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Ln
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Differential
Evaluation is not supported by this class, as it is purely an intermediary
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Integral
getDerivative(String) - Method in class PartialDerivative
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Acos
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Acosh
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Acot
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Acoth
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Acsc
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Acsch
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Asec
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Asech
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Asin
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Asinh
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Atan
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Atanh
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Cos
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Cosh
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Cot
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Coth
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Csc
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Csch
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Sec
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Sech
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Sin
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Sinh
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Tan
getDerivative(String) - Method in class Tanh
getElementaryIntegral() - Method in interface Integrable
Returns the elementary integral of the function.
getElementaryIntegral() - Method in class InverseTrigFunction
getElementaryIntegral() - Method in class Cos
getElementaryIntegral() - Method in class Cosh
getElementaryIntegral() - Method in class Cot
getElementaryIntegral() - Method in class Coth
getElementaryIntegral() - Method in class Csc
getElementaryIntegral() - Method in class Csch
getElementaryIntegral() - Method in class Sec
getElementaryIntegral() - Method in class Sech
getElementaryIntegral() - Method in class Sin
getElementaryIntegral() - Method in class Sinh
getElementaryIntegral() - Method in class Tan
getElementaryIntegral() - Method in class Tanh
getFirst() - Method in class AbstractPair
Returns the value of the first item in the pair
getFirst() - Method in class MutablePair
getFirst() - Method in class Pair
getFunction() - Method in exception DerivativeDoesNotExistException
Returns the non-differentiable function
getFunction() - Method in exception IntegrationFailedException
Returns the non-integrable function
getFunction1() - Method in class BinaryFunction
Returns simplify()BinaryFunction.function1
getFunction2() - Method in class BinaryFunction
Returns simplify()BinaryFunction.function2
getFunctions() - Method in class CommutativeFunction
getIdentityValue() - Method in class CommutativeFunction
Returns the identity of this CommutativeFunction, such as 0 for + or gcd and 1 for * or lcm
getIdentityValue() - Method in class GCD
getIdentityValue() - Method in class LCM
getIdentityValue() - Method in class Product
getIdentityValue() - Method in class Sum
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class RFactorial
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class SFactorial
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Abs
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Ceil
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Dirac
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class DomainRestrictor
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Floor
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Round
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Sign
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Exp
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Ln
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Differential
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Integral
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class PartialDerivative
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Acos
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Acosh
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Acot
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Acoth
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Acsc
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Acsch
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Asec
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Asech
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Asin
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Asinh
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Atan
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Atanh
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Cos
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Cosh
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Cot
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Coth
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Csc
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Csch
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Sec
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Sech
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Sin
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Sinh
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Tan
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Tanh
getInstance(GeneralFunction) - Method in class UnitaryFunction
Returns a new instance of this UnitaryFunction
getInstance(GeneralFunction...) - Method in class CommutativeFunction
Returns an instance of this GeneralFunction
getInstance(GeneralFunction...) - Method in class GCD
getInstance(GeneralFunction...) - Method in class LCM
getInstance(GeneralFunction...) - Method in class Product
getInstance(GeneralFunction...) - Method in class Sum
getInstance(GeneralFunction, GeneralFunction) - Method in class BinaryFunction
Returns an instance of this GeneralFunction, using the correct subclass
getInstance(GeneralFunction, GeneralFunction) - Method in class IntegerQuotient
getInstance(GeneralFunction, GeneralFunction) - Method in class Modulo
getInstance(GeneralFunction, GeneralFunction) - Method in class Logb
getInstance(GeneralFunction, GeneralFunction) - Method in class Pow
getInstance(GeneralFunction, GeneralFunction) - Method in class Rand
getInverse() - Method in interface Invertible
Returns the Class corresponding to the inverse of this function
getInverse() - Method in class Exp
getInverse() - Method in class Ln
getInverse() - Method in class Acos
getInverse() - Method in class Acosh
getInverse() - Method in class Acot
getInverse() - Method in class Acoth
getInverse() - Method in class Acsc
getInverse() - Method in class Acsch
getInverse() - Method in class Asec
getInverse() - Method in class Asech
getInverse() - Method in class Asin
getInverse() - Method in class Asinh
getInverse() - Method in class Atan
getInverse() - Method in class Atanh
getInverse() - Method in class Cos
getInverse() - Method in class Cosh
getInverse() - Method in class Cot
getInverse() - Method in class Coth
getInverse() - Method in class Csc
getInverse() - Method in class Csch
getInverse() - Method in class Sec
getInverse() - Method in class Sech
getInverse() - Method in class Sin
getInverse() - Method in class Sinh
getInverse() - Method in class Tan
getInverse() - Method in class Tanh
getJoiningCollector() - Method in class CommutativeFunction
Returns a collector used to create the toString of the CommutativeFunction
getJoiningCollector() - Method in class Product
getJoiningCollector() - Method in class Sum
getName() - Method in class EndpointFunction
getName() - Method in class OutputBinary
getName() - Method in class OutputCommutative
getName() - Method in interface OutputFunction
Returns the name of this function
getName() - Method in class OutputParenthesizer
getName() - Method in class OutputString
getName() - Method in class OutputUnitary
getNthDerivative(String, int) - Method in interface Differentiable
Returns the Nth derivative of a GeneralFunction with respect to a variable
getNthDerivative(String, int) - Method in class GeneralFunction
getOperands() - Method in class EndpointFunction
getOperands() - Method in class OutputBinary
getOperands() - Method in class OutputCommutative
getOperands() - Method in interface OutputFunction
Returns the operands of this function (its children in the function tree)
getOperands() - Method in class OutputParenthesizer
getOperands() - Method in class OutputString
getOperands() - Method in class OutputUnitary
getRespectTo() - Method in class Transformation
Returns the variable that this transform works with respect to
getSecond() - Method in class AbstractPair
Returns the value of the second item in the pair
getSecond() - Method in class MutablePair
getSecond() - Method in class Pair
getSimplifiedDerivative(String) - Method in class GeneralFunction
getSingleVariable(GeneralFunction) - Static method in class VariableTools
If the input is in terms of only one variable, returns that variable's String; otherwise, returns Settings.singleVariableDefault
getSolutionPointNewton(GeneralFunction, double) - Static method in class Solver
Gives an approximate root of a GeneralFunction using Solver.newtonsMethod(functions.GeneralFunction, double) on the initialPoint for the amount of runs specified in Settings.defaultSolverIterations
getSolutionPointNewton(GeneralFunction, double, int) - Static method in class Solver
Gives an approximate root of a GeneralFunction using Solver.newtonsMethod(functions.GeneralFunction, double) on the initialPoint for a specified amount of runs
getSolutionsRange(GeneralFunction, double, double) - Static method in class Solver
Gives approximate roots of a GeneralFunction in a range of values using the solver specified in Settings.defaultSolverType
getSolutionsRangeHalley(GeneralFunction, double, double) - Static method in class Solver
Gives approximate roots of a GeneralFunction using Halley's method in a range of values for the amount of runs specified in Settings
getSolutionsRangeNewton(GeneralFunction, double, double) - Static method in class Solver
Gives approximate roots of a GeneralFunction using Solver.newtonsMethod(functions.GeneralFunction, double) in a range of values for the amount of runs specified in Settings
getSolutionsRangeNewton(GeneralFunction, double, double, int) - Static method in class Solver
Gives approximate roots of a GeneralFunction using Solver.newtonsMethod(functions.GeneralFunction, double) in a range of values for a specified amount of runs
getSpecialConstant(String) - Static method in class Constant
Returns the value of a special constant
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