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deepClone(GeneralFunction[]) - Static method in class ArrayTools
Deep-clones a GeneralFunction array
defaultFactorial - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes the default implementation of Factorial to be used.
defaultFactorial(GeneralFunction) - Static method in class Factorial
Returns a Factorial of the Settings.defaultFactorial type
DefaultFunctions - Class in tools
DefaultFunctions contains instances of many often-used GeneralFunctions so that they need not be re-instantiated repeatedly, as well as shortcuts for the negative and inverse of a GeneralFunction.
defaultRangeSections - Static variable in class Settings
The amount of segments which Solver splits a given range into.
defaultSleep - Static variable in class Settings
The default amount to be slept on newlines in MiscTools.printWithSleep(java.lang.String).
defaultSolverIterations - Static variable in class Settings
The amount of times that Solver will run unless the exit conditions are met beforehand.
defaultSolverType - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes the default method used to solve equations.
derivativeAt(String, Map<String, Double>) - Method in class GeneralFunction
Returns the value of the derivative at point
derivativeDivides(GeneralFunction, String) - Static method in class StageOne
Performs the "derivative divides" method of integration and returns the integral if the method succeeded
DerivativeDoesNotExistException - Exception in tools.exceptions
DerivativeDoesNotExistException(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for exception DerivativeDoesNotExistException
To be thrown when a derivative of a function does not exist
derivatives - Variable in class GeneralFunction
Caches derivatives with the key corresponding to the varID of the derivative
Differentiable - Interface in functions
The Differentiable interface provides an interface for the differentiation of functions.
Differential - Class in functions.unitary.transforms
The Differential class is used as an intermediary for operations related to parsing derivatives and integrals.
Differential(Variable) - Constructor for class Differential
Constructs a new Differential, which is sometimes used as an intermediary for integrals and derivatives, using a Variable
Differential(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Differential
Constructs a new Differential, which is sometimes used as an intermediary for integrals and derivatives, assuming that the operand is a variable Variable
Differential(String) - Constructor for class Differential
Constructs a new Differential, which is sometimes used as an intermediary for integrals and derivatives
Dirac - Class in functions.unitary.piecewise
Dirac(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Dirac
Constructs a new Dirac
distribute(GeneralFunction[], GeneralFunction[]) - Static method in class ArrayTools
Returns a GeneralFunction[] where every element in add is now a Product of multiply and the function that was previously at its location in add
distributeAll() - Method in class Product
If one element of the product is a Sum, distributes the other contents of the product onto the sum.
distributeExponents - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether exponents should be distributed over multiplication in simplify().
distributeExponents() - Method in class Pow
Returns a Product where the exponent is distributed to each term.
distributeFunctions - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether products are distributed over addition in simplify().
doCombinatorics - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether or not combinatorial operations should be parsed.
doesNotContainsVariable(GeneralFunction, String) - Static method in class VariableTools
Returns true if the Variable specified is NOT found in the GeneralFunction
DomainRestrictor - Class in functions.unitary.piecewise
The DomainRestrictor class allows for the restriction of domains of ranges of functions.
DomainRestrictor(GeneralFunction, BiPredicate<Double, Map<String, Double>>) - Constructor for class DomainRestrictor
Constructs a new DomainRestrictor
DomainRestrictor(GeneralFunction, DoublePredicate) - Constructor for class DomainRestrictor
Constructs a new DomainRestrictor
domainTester - Variable in class DomainRestrictor
This BiPredicate describes the domain of this function given an argument and list of variable values
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