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Tan - Class in functions.unitary.trig.normal
Tan(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Tan
Constructs a new Tan
Tanh - Class in functions.unitary.trig.normal
Tanh(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Tanh
Constructs a new Tanh
TaylorSeries - Class in tools.singlevariable
The methods in TaylorSeries produce Taylor Series for functions.
TEN - Static variable in class DefaultFunctions
A Constant with the value of 10
toFirstNonTrivial(GeneralFunction) - Static method in class MiscTools
Executes CommutativeFunction.simplifyTrivialElement() until the function is not a CommutativeFunction or has a argument count greater than one.
toFunction(Object) - Static method in class ParsingTools
If the input is a GeneralFunction, returns the input.
toInteger(double) - Static method in class ParsingTools
Converts a double within Settings.integerMargin of an integer to an int
tokenizeInfix(String) - Static method in class InfixTokenizer
Tokenizes an input infix string and modifies it to a format supported by FunctionParser
toLatex() - Method in class EndpointFunction
toLatex() - Method in class OutputBinary
toLatex() - Method in class OutputCommutative
toLatex() - Method in interface OutputFunction
Returns a LaTeX representation of the function tree
toLatex() - Method in class OutputParenthesizer
toLatex() - Method in class OutputString
toLatex() - Method in class OutputUnitary
tools - package tools
tools.exceptions - package tools.exceptions
tools.helperclasses - package tools.helperclasses
tools.integration - package tools.integration
tools.singlevariable - package tools.singlevariable
toOutputFunction() - Method in class BinaryFunction
toOutputFunction() - Method in class IntegerQuotient
toOutputFunction() - Method in class Modulo
toOutputFunction() - Method in class Logb
toOutputFunction() - Method in class Pow
toOutputFunction() - Method in class CommutativeFunction
toOutputFunction() - Method in class Product
toOutputFunction() - Method in class Sum
toOutputFunction() - Method in class EndpointFunction
toOutputFunction() - Method in interface Outputable
Converts this function into an OutputFunction for use in string conversion
toOutputFunction() - Method in class Abs
toOutputFunction() - Method in class Ceil
toOutputFunction() - Method in class Dirac
toOutputFunction() - Method in class Floor
toOutputFunction() - Method in class Differential
toOutputFunction() - Method in class Integral
toOutputFunction() - Method in class PartialDerivative
toOutputFunction() - Method in class InverseTrigFunction
toOutputFunction() - Method in class TrigFunction
toOutputFunction() - Method in class UnitaryFunction
toPostfix(String) - Static method in class FunctionParser
Turns an infix string into a postfix array of tokens
toSpecialCase() - Method in class Logb
toSpecialCase() - Method in class Pow
toString() - Method in class IntegerQuotient
toString() - Method in class Modulo
toString() - Method in class Logb
toString() - Method in class Pow
toString() - Method in class Rand
toString() - Method in class CommutativeFunction
toString() - Method in class Constant
toString() - Method in class Variable
toString() - Method in class GeneralFunction
Returns a String representation of this GeneralFunction
toString() - Method in class Factorial
toString() - Method in class Abs
toString() - Method in class DomainRestrictor
toString() - Method in class Differential
toString() - Method in class Integral
toString() - Method in class PartialDerivative
toString() - Method in class UnitaryFunction
toString() - Method in class OutputBinary
toString() - Method in class OutputCommutative
toString() - Method in interface OutputFunction
Returns a text representation of the function tree
toString() - Method in class OutputParenthesizer
toString() - Method in class OutputString
toString() - Method in class OutputUnitary
toString() - Method in class AbstractPair
Returns the toString of the pair in the form <first, second>
ToStringManager - Class in output
Manages tools for toStrings and OutputFunctions
ToStringManager() - Constructor for class ToStringManager
Transformation - Class in functions.unitary.transforms
The abstract Transformation class represents any transformation that turns one function into another function.
Transformation(GeneralFunction, String) - Constructor for class Transformation
Constructs a new Transformation
TransformFailedException - Exception in tools.exceptions
TransformFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception TransformFailedException
To be thrown when the transform execution has failed
TrigFunction - Class in functions.unitary.trig.normal
The abstract TrigFunction class represents any non-inverse trigonometric function (circular or hyperbolic).
TrigFunction(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class TrigFunction
Constructs a new TrigFunction
truncateNearIntegers - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether or not constants close to integers are printed as integers (zero not included)
TWO - Static variable in class DefaultFunctions
A Constant with the value of 2
TWO_PI - Static variable in class DefaultFunctions
A Constant with the value of
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