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ui - package ui
UnitaryConstructor - Interface in tools.helperclasses
UnitaryFunction - Class in functions.unitary
The abstract UnitaryFunction class represents function of one input.
UnitaryFunction(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class UnitaryFunction
Constructs a new UnitaryFunction
unitaryOperations - Static variable in class OperationMaps
A map between unitary operation strings and their associated constructor lambdas
unwrapIntegerPower() - Method in class Pow
Given a Pow with positive integer exponent, unwraps it into a Product
unwrapIntegerPowerSafe() - Method in class Pow
Given a Pow, checks if the exponent is a positive integer, and if so, applies Pow.unwrapIntegerPower()
useKeywords(String) - Static method in class KeywordInterface
Takes input as a string in the format "command arguments..."
UserExitException - Exception in tools.exceptions
UserExitException() - Constructor for exception UserExitException
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