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negative(GeneralFunction) - Static method in class DefaultFunctions
Returns a Product of DefaultFunctions.NEGATIVE_ONE and the input
NEGATIVE_HALF - Static variable in class DefaultFunctions
A Constant with the value of -0.5
NEGATIVE_ONE - Static variable in class DefaultFunctions
A Constant with the value of -1
NEGATIVE_TWO - Static variable in class DefaultFunctions
A Constant with the value of -2
newInstanceOf(Class<?>, GeneralFunction) - Static method in class UnitaryFunction
Returns a UnitaryFunction of the given type and of the given operand
newline - Static variable in class ParsingTools
Matches newlines with supported carriage returns
NEWTON - SolverType
Newton's method of root finding
normalJoiningCollector - Variable in class OutputCommutative
A Collector for generating output text strings
NotYetImplementedException - Exception in tools.exceptions
NotYetImplementedException(String) - Constructor for exception NotYetImplementedException
To be thrown when a feature is not yet implemented
NumericalIntegration - Class in tools.singlevariable
The NumericalIntegration class computes definite integrals using Simpson's rule and can also return a maximum possible error for the calculation.
NumericalIntegration() - Constructor for class NumericalIntegration
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