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E - Static variable in class DefaultFunctions
A Constant with the value of e
encodeAll(String) - Static method in class LatexReplacer
Performs all of the methods in this class on the input according to the settings in Settings
encodeMappings(String) - Static method in class LatexReplacer
Replaces LaTeX-escaped encodings in a string with their actual special characters, as long as they aren't followed by an allowed name character
encodings - Static variable in class LatexReplacer
Contains all encoding Patterns and their replacement characters
EndpointFunction - Class in functions.endpoint
All classes extending EndpointFunction are endpoints of the function tree as they have no input or operands.
EndpointFunction() - Constructor for class EndpointFunction
enforceDomainAndRange - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether or not inverse simplifications conserve domain and range
enforceEscapedFunctions - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether or not expressions like sin(pi/2) must be escaped to \sin(\pi/2).
enforceEscapedNames - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether or not the regex for valid variable, function, and constant names should enforce a LaTeX escape in multi-character names.
enforceIntegerOperations - Static variable in class Settings
Forces functions in functions.unitary.integer to return integers when using approximations.
enforcePatternMatchingNames - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether or not variable, function, and constant names should be checked against the valid name regex ParsingTools.validNames
equals(Object) - Method in class GeneralFunction
equals(Object) - Method in class OutputBinary
equals(Object) - Method in class OutputCommutative
equals(Object) - Method in interface OutputFunction
Checks if this OutputFunction is equal to that
equals(Object) - Method in class OutputParenthesizer
equals(Object) - Method in class OutputUnitary
equalsFunction(GeneralFunction) - Method in class BinaryFunction
equalsFunction(GeneralFunction) - Method in class CommutativeFunction
equalsFunction(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Constant
equalsFunction(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Variable
equalsFunction(GeneralFunction) - Method in class GeneralFunction
Returns true when the two fully-simplified functions are equal
equalsFunction(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Differential
equalsFunction(GeneralFunction) - Method in class Integral
equalsFunction(GeneralFunction) - Method in class PartialDerivative
equalsFunction(GeneralFunction) - Method in class UnitaryFunction
equalsMargin - Static variable in class Settings
The default margin to be used when checking if two doubles are equal.
equalsSimplified(GeneralFunction) - Method in class GeneralFunction
Simplifies the two functions, then compares them with GeneralFunction.equalsFunction(GeneralFunction)
equalsSimplified(GeneralFunction[], GeneralFunction[]) - Static method in class ArrayTools
Evaluable - Interface in functions
The Evaluable interface provides an interface for the evaluation of functions.
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class IntegerBinaryFunction
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Logb
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Pow
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Rand
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class IntegerCommutativeFunction
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Product
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Sum
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Constant
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Variable
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in interface Evaluable
Evaluates a GeneralFunction at a point denoted by a Map
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class SFactorial
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class IntegerUnitaryFunction
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Abs
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Ceil
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Dirac
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class DomainRestrictor
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Floor
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Round
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Sign
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Exp
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Ln
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Differential
Differentiation is not supported by this class, as it is purely an intermediary
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Integral
Integrates the operand numerically from 0 to the value specified in the Map corresponding to respectTo
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class PartialDerivative
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Acos
Returns the inverse cosine of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Acosh
Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Acot
Returns the inverse cotangent of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Acoth
Returns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Acsc
Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Acsch
Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Asec
Returns the inverse secant of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Asech
Returns the inverse hyperbolic secant of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Asin
Returns the inverse sine of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Asinh
Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Atan
Returns the inverse tangent of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Atanh
Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Cos
Returns the cosine of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Cosh
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Cot
Returns the cotangent of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Coth
Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Csc
Returns the cosecant of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Csch
Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Sec
Returns the secant of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Sech
Returns the hyperbolic secant of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Sin
Returns the sine of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Sinh
Returns the hyperbolic sine of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Tan
Returns the tangent of the stored operand evaluated
evaluate(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class Tanh
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the stored operand evaluated
execute() - Method in class Differential
Execution is not supported by this class, as it is purely an intermediary
execute() - Method in class Integral
Returns the integral of the integrand
execute() - Method in class PartialDerivative
Returns the partial derivative of the operand
execute() - Method in class Transformation
Returns the transformation of the operand
executeOnSimplify - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether a Transformation should execute its action when simplify() is called.
existsAny(GeneralFunction, Predicate<? super GeneralFunction>) - Static method in class SearchTools
Returns true if any GeneralFunction in the function tree satisfies test
existsExcluding(GeneralFunction, Predicate<? super GeneralFunction>, Predicate<? super GeneralFunction>) - Static method in class SearchTools
Returns true if a GeneralFunction in the function tree satisfies test, excluding all functions on branches whose parent satisfies exclude
existsInOppositeSurfaceSubset(CommutativeFunction, Predicate<? super GeneralFunction>, Predicate<? super GeneralFunction>) - Static method in class SearchTools
Checks if this CommutativeFunction has a subset (as a new instance of its class), including empty and single-element functions, that: - Is the complement of a subset satisfying excludeFromSubset - Satisfies test
existsInSurfaceSubset(CommutativeFunction, Predicate<? super GeneralFunction>) - Static method in class SearchTools
Checks if this CommutativeFunction has a subset (as a new instance of its class) satisfying test, including empty and single-element functions
existsSurface(GeneralFunction, Predicate<? super GeneralFunction>) - Static method in class SearchTools
Returns true if at least one direct child of this GeneralFunction satisfies test
exitSolverOnProximity - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether methods in tools.singlevariable should exit if the result is within a certain proximity of the target.
Exp - Class in functions.unitary.specialcases
Exp(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Exp
Constructs a new Exp
Extrema - Class in tools.singlevariable
The Extrema uses the root finding capabilities of Solver in order to find various extrema of GeneralFunctions by setting their derivatives equals to 0 and solving.
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