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safeKeywords(String) - Static method in class KeywordInterface
Runs KeywordInterface.useKeywords(String) assuming that the input is not an exit argument, removing the checked exception
SearchTools - Class in tools
The SearchTools class provides a set of methods that perform functions related to searching through with the contents in a function tree and performing actions on those functions.
Sec - Class in functions.unitary.trig.normal
Sec(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Sec
Constructs a new Sec
Sech - Class in functions.unitary.trig.normal
Sech(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Sech
Constructs a new Sech
second - Variable in class OutputBinary
The second operand of the function
setFirst(T) - Method in class AbstractMutablePair
Sets the first item in the pair and returns the old value
setFirst(T) - Method in class MutablePair
setSecond(U) - Method in class AbstractMutablePair
Sets the second item in the pair and returns the old value
setSecond(U) - Method in class MutablePair
SettingNotFoundException - Exception in tools.exceptions
SettingNotFoundException(String, String) - Constructor for exception SettingNotFoundException
To be thrown when an invalid setting is passed to a command
Settings - Class in config
The Settings class stores global settings as static variables.
SFactorial - Class in functions.unitary.integer.combo
Stirling's Approximation for factorials asymptotically approaches n!, but it has a delta greater than one for x>=5.
SFactorial(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class SFactorial
Sign - Class in functions.unitary.piecewise
Sign(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Sign
Constructs a new Sign
Simplifiable - Interface in functions
The Simplifiable interface provides an interface for the simplification of functions.
simplify() - Method in class IntegerQuotient
simplify() - Method in class Modulo
simplify() - Method in class Logb
simplify() - Method in class Pow
simplify() - Method in class Rand
simplify() - Method in class CommutativeFunction
simplify() - Method in class Product
simplify() - Method in class Constant
simplify() - Method in class Variable
simplify() - Method in interface Simplifiable
Returns this GeneralFunction, simplified
simplify() - Method in class Differential
simplify() - Method in class Integral
simplify() - Method in class Transformation
simplify() - Method in class UnitaryFunction
simplifyConstants() - Method in class CommutativeFunction
simplifyElements() - Method in class CommutativeFunction
Simplifies each element of this CommutativeFunction
simplifyFOC() - Method in class BinaryFunction
Returns a new Constant of the BinaryFunction evaluated if both operands are a Constant
simplifyFOC() - Method in class Pow
simplifyFOC() - Method in class UnitaryFunction
Returns a new Constant of the UnitaryFunction evaluated if the operand is a Constant
simplifyFunctionsOfConstants - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether functions of constants should be simplified.
simplifyFunctionsOfSpecialConstants - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether or not special Constants get simplified into decimal under addition, multiplication, or exponentiation.
simplifyIdentity() - Method in class Logb
Returns DefaultFunctions.ONE if the base of the logarithm equals the argument
simplifyIdentity() - Method in class CommutativeFunction
Removes all instances of the identity of the function from CommutativeFunction.functions
simplifyInternal() - Method in class CommutativeFunction
Simplifies this CommutativeFunction using all methods that are guaranteed to return a CommutativeFunction of the same type
simplifyInternal() - Method in class Product
simplifyInternal() - Method in class Sum
simplifyInternal() - Method in class Differential
simplifyInternal() - Method in class Integral
simplifyInternal() - Method in class PartialDerivative
simplifyInternal() - Method in class UnitaryFunction
Simplifies the operand using Simplifiable.simplify()
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Ln
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Acos
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Acosh
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Acot
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Acsc
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Asec
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Asech
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Asin
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Atan
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Cos
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Cosh
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Coth
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Csc
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Sec
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Sech
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Sin
simplifyInverse() - Method in class Tanh
simplifyInverse() - Method in class UnitaryFunction
If operand is an instance of the inverse of this function, returns operand.operand
simplifyLogsOfSameBase() - Method in class Pow
If the exponent is a logarithm with the same base as the Pow, it returns the argument of the logarithm
simplifyObviousExponentsAndFOC() - Method in class Pow
Returns a GeneralFunction where obvious exponents (ex: (x+1)^1 or (x-1)^0) have been simplified and functions of constants (ex: 2^7) are simplified
simplifyPowers() - Method in class Logb
Returns a GeneralFunction where, if the argument is a Pow or Exp, the exponent of the argument has been moved in front of the logarithm in a Product
simplifyPull() - Method in class CommutativeFunction
Composes all sub-functions of the same type.
simplifyTrivialElement() - Method in class CommutativeFunction
Returns identity Constant if CommutativeFunction.functions length is 0 and returns the GeneralFunction if CommutativeFunction.functions length is 1
simpsonsError(GeneralFunction, double, double) - Static method in class NumericalIntegration
Returns the maximum error associated with the definite integral of a GeneralFunction function on a range
simpsonsRule(GeneralFunction, double, double) - Static method in class NumericalIntegration
Returns the approximate definite integral of a GeneralFunction function on a range
simpsonsRuleWithError(GeneralFunction, double, double) - Static method in class NumericalIntegration
Returns the approximate definite integral of a GeneralFunction function on a range with an error range
simpsonsSegments - Static variable in class Settings
The number of segments that NumericalIntegration.simpsonsRule(GeneralFunction, double, double) uses when performing numerical integration.
Sin - Class in functions.unitary.trig.normal
Sin(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Sin
Constructs a new Sin
singleVariableDefault - Static variable in class Settings
The variable to be used in tools.singlevariable when none is specified.
Sinh - Class in functions.unitary.trig.normal
Sinh(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Sinh
Constructs a new Sinh
sleep() - Static method in class MiscTools
Sleeps for Settings.defaultSleep seconds
sleep(double) - Static method in class MiscTools
Sleeps for seconds seconds
Solver - Class in tools.singlevariable
The Solver class solves for zeros of GeneralFunctions using Newton's method or Halley's method of root finding.
SolverTools - Class in tools
The SolverTools class contains miscellaneous methods used in Solver.
SolverType - Enum in config
sortOrder - Static variable in class GeneralFunction
Describes the order that a GeneralFunction should appear in a sorted array (used in GeneralFunction.compareTo(GeneralFunction))
SpecialCaseBinaryFunction - Class in functions.unitary.specialcases
The abstract SpecialCaseBinaryFunction class represents what would typically be BinaryFunctions, but are useful enough to have to have their own UnitaryFunctions.
SpecialCaseBinaryFunction(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class SpecialCaseBinaryFunction
Constructs a new SpecialCaseBinaryFunction
specialConstants - Static variable in class Constant
Symbols or Strings with a dedicated value.
sqrt(GeneralFunction) - Static method in class DefaultFunctions
Returns a Pow of input to the power of DefaultFunctions.HALF
square(GeneralFunction) - Static method in class DefaultFunctions
Returns a Pow of input to the power of DefaultFunctions.TWO
StageOne - Class in tools.integration
The StageOne class attempts to integrate a function using a method very similar to Stage One of the integration procedure used in SIN.
STIRLING - FactorialType
Stirling approximation for evaluating factorials
strictToRange(double, double, double) - Static method in class SolverTools
Returns [value] if it is in the range, and NaN otherwise
stripConstantsOfSum(Sum) - Static method in class MiscTools
Returns a list of the elements in this Sum with the constants stripped as a pair.
stripConstantsRespectTo(GeneralFunction, String) - Static method in class IntegralTools
If function is not a Product, returns <1.0, function>.
substituteAll(GeneralFunction) - Static method in class KeywordInterface
Substitutes everything stored in KeywordInterface.storedFunctions into function in an unspecified order
substituteAll(Predicate<? super GeneralFunction>, Function<? super GeneralFunction, ? extends GeneralFunction>) - Method in class BinaryFunction
Substitutes all Variable in the function with a specified GeneralFunction
substituteAll(Predicate<? super GeneralFunction>, Function<? super GeneralFunction, ? extends GeneralFunction>) - Method in class CommutativeFunction
substituteAll(Predicate<? super GeneralFunction>, Function<? super GeneralFunction, ? extends GeneralFunction>) - Method in class Constant
substituteAll(Predicate<? super GeneralFunction>, Function<? super GeneralFunction, ? extends GeneralFunction>) - Method in class EndpointFunction
substituteAll(Predicate<? super GeneralFunction>, Function<? super GeneralFunction, ? extends GeneralFunction>) - Method in class GeneralFunction
Replaces every GeneralFunction that satisfies the test using the action specified by replacer
substituteAll(Predicate<? super GeneralFunction>, Function<? super GeneralFunction, ? extends GeneralFunction>) - Method in class UnitaryFunction
substituteVariables(Map<String, ? extends GeneralFunction>) - Method in class GeneralFunction
Substitutes variables with functions as specified in a map
substituteVariables(Map<String, ? extends GeneralFunction>) - Method in class Differential
substituteVariables(Map<String, ? extends GeneralFunction>) - Method in class Integral
substituteVariables(Map<String, ? extends GeneralFunction>) - Method in class PartialDerivative
subtract(GeneralFunction, GeneralFunction) - Static method in class DefaultFunctions
Returns the the function corresponding to first - second
Sum - Class in functions.commutative
Sum(GeneralFunction...) - Constructor for class Sum
Constructs a new Sum
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