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Rand - Class in functions.binary
Rand(GeneralFunction, GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Rand
Constructs a new Rand
readProperties - Static variable in class Settings
When this setting is enabled, Settings uses Settings.parseConfig() to read and those values are stored in this class.
reciprocal(GeneralFunction) - Static method in class DefaultFunctions
Returns a Pow of input to the power of DefaultFunctions.NEGATIVE_ONE
RECURSIVE - FactorialType
Recursive definition for evaluating factorials
removeEscapes - Static variable in class Settings
Denotes whether or not escapes should be removed from variable, function, and constant names when printing.
removeFunctionAt(GeneralFunction[], int) - Static method in class ArrayTools
Returns a copy of the input array with the GeneralFunction at the specified index removed
removeNotInRange(List<Double>, double, double) - Static method in class SolverTools
Removes values in a list which are not in the given range
removeRepeatsSort(List<Double>) - Static method in class SolverTools
Removes a number from a List if that number is adjacent to the same number within a tolerance of Settings.equalsMargin
removeSpecialConstant(String) - Static method in class Constant
Removes a special constant
reset() - Static method in class CASDemo
Resets the demo
resetConstants() - Static method in class Constant
respectTo - Variable in class Transformation
The String of the variable that the Transformation is with respect to
RFactorial - Class in functions.unitary.integer.combo
The standard recursive definition of factorial.
RFactorial(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class RFactorial
Round - Class in functions.unitary.piecewise
Round(GeneralFunction) - Constructor for class Round
Constructs a new Round
runDemo() - Static method in class CASDemo
Runs the demo
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